
A lover of all things creepy and cute. Nice to meet you, I am QimmyShimmy.


β€œDon’t ever be ashamed of loving the strange things that make your weird little heart happy.”

Elizabeth Gilbert




A B O U T   M E


I am a 29-going-30 year old designer/artist, going by my moniker, Qimmyshimmy. Some describe my work as "pop-surrealistic" and "creepy-cute", but I will leave that entirely up to you. In my sculptural works, I create tension between two worldsβ€” the real and the imagined. My aesthetic sensibilities have been shaped by my love for fantasy stories, old curiosities, time-travel and my yearning for worlds natural and made-believe.

I work as a designer by day and an artist by nightfall, fuelling my two passions with caffeine and even bigger dreams. I spend my days lusting over beautiful typography, maps and collecting strange curiosities.

Don't be afraid to say hi, I don't bite.





Hi-Fructose, Juxtapoz, VICE, Reuters, Metal Magazine, Scene360, Lost at E Minor, The Straits Times, θ”εˆζ—©ζŠ₯, L'ADN, HOKK Fabrica, Gatsby, Booooooom, Dionisio Arte, Neocha, Collater, OGS, 72andSunny, Zeutch, Female, Vulcan Post, Hive Life, The New Paper, RedMilk, The Fiji Times, Creative Arts Social, DesignTaxi, Rotka, YPSG, Rock&Pop, GirlsClubAsia, Aborigen, NΓ£o Entre Aqui, Stuvvz, EyeYah (Issue#2), Collater.al, CNA

Spotted me somewhere? Let me know!